22 Jan Corona Gargle Fights Coronavirus! Here’s Why
Thought gargling was an old wives’ tale, eh? Thought it was a folk remedy that your grandmother made up to cure sore threats? Think again, because in these corona-conscious times, many are going back to the ancient ritual of throat gargling.
But don’t just listen to us, hear it straight from the horse’s mouth! Recent news has it that infectious disease doctors have been asking Covid-19 patients who tested positive to gargle away, and in particular, using nanosilver.
Why gargling is good for you ?
Gargling is a popular home remedy for sore throats, but did you know that gargling also prevents respiratory infections? In Japan, a study showed that it reduces upper respiratory infections by 36%, while in England, it reduced Covid-19 illness length by 1.9 days, lowered medication use by 36% and reduced household contact transmission by 35%.
More recently in Hong Kong, throat gargling has been shown to reduce viral loads, especially in saliva swab tests conducted on Covid patients. Gargling prevents oral cavity infections, where bacteria enters the body through the mouth. For Covid patients who have been immunocompromised, it’s even more important to prevent this. That’s why gargling has been touted as potentially useful and a cost-effective method in controlling the pandemic.
It’s silver… for your mouth
Add to that nanosilver, which are silver nano particles (SNP), or quite literally, tiny tiny nano-sized particles of silver. This chemical element Ag, as you may already know, has long been used to prevent infections, especially in wounds and burns. They’re antibacterial agentsthat stop microbial growth and have unique antifungal effects.
That’s exactly what’s inside our Corona Gargle, an all-natural mouthwash that’s been carefully formulated for daily rinsing. In low concentrations, nanosilver effectively kills off all microorganisms, and they’ve been proven to be a good replacement for ethanol, which is used in many commercial mouthwashes and can irritate sensitive or inflamed mucosa.
A gargle a day keeps the virus away
Besides being alcohol-free, the Corona Gargle is fluoride-free, SLS-free, non-burning, non-toxic and won’t be harmful if accidentally swallowed. It’s non-irritable and comfortable, especially for cancer patients or those at high risk of pneumonia.
The Corona Gargle is also perfect for cigar or cigarette smokers, those suffering from morning breath or even durian lovers! It’s extremely effective in killing bad odours, so you can use it as a regular mouthwash. Those with gum disease also stand to benefit – silver’s wound healing properties are gentle on gums unlike other commercial brands.
Sometimes, the solution to a modern-day pandemic is to go back to the simple, ancient ritual of mouth gargling. Our grandmothers were right after all! Gargling is now the talk of town…
Now don’t say we didn’t tell you.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4955599/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7266767/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746608/
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2651874/pdf/1472-6963-8-258.pdf
5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/silver-nanoparticle
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